Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Get connected to the Swiss,prehaps the richest country in da World!

reseller program

Become a reseller of and!

Our Reseller Program will allow you to create a new business field and to increase your revenues. We have three different programs on offer - choose the one most suitable for you. Read on to find out how easy it is to become a reseller and everything else you need to know.

Bonus Program
Our Bonus Program is very simple. Recommend our services to your friends, collegues and business partners and receive bonus points which can be used to pay for your account. Click the following link to find out more and to join immediately: Bonus Program.
Reseller Program "easy"

This program is intended for people who know a lot of other people or small to medium sized businesses who can't be bothered with things like invoicing or setting up accounts. A commission is paid to the program participant for each new customer brought to and for every yearly account renewal thereafter. No cost or setup fees are involved to join this program. Click the following link to find out more about the qualification requirements, the commissions paid for your referrals and to join right away: Reseller Program easy

Reseller Program "business"

This program is intended for people who already have an exisiting customer base and want to resell our service using their own reseller domain name. You acquire from us an Email Server according to your desired account volume. The opening and managing of the accounts as well as the invoicing and accounts receivable is done by you, the Reseller. Click the following link to find out everything you need to know about the qualification requirements, the commissions paid and to join the program: Reseller Program business